The Truth Conspiracy
Note: Nearly everything in this section is from another source, we did not create it.
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Some booklets have the option of being printed off in booklet form. For info on printing these, look at the directions here.

Introduction to the Apocalypse

Text analyzing the current ecological catastrophe, and the climate change movement, with all it's limitations. Written in preparation for the Cop15 Summit in Denmark.

For printing, download booklet form here

An Anarchist Programme, By Errico Malatesta

A 1920 pamphlet written by Italian anarchist Errico Malatesta. Malatesta wrote dozens of radical and anarchist articles in his lifetime, and was friends with Mikhail Bakunin and Peter Kropotkin

A Day When Nothing Is Certain

Writings on the 2008 Greek Insurrections. (On December 6th, Greek police fatally shot and killed 15 year old Alexandros Grigoropoulos, sparking off massive riots that lasted for months, in Greece, and in many other countries.) 

For printing, download the booklet form here

We Intend To Live In Peace

An inspiring essay written by an anonymous source online, but recently published by Strangers In A Tangled Wilderness. A manifesto of sorts that deals with post-leftism and non-coercive anarchism.

The Coming Insurrection

Written in the wake of the riots that erupted throughout the Paris suburbs in the fall of 2005, this text is a call to arms written by a group of French anarchists know as "The Invisible Committee". It has also served as central evidence against "The Tarnac Nine", a group of alleged anarchist saboteurs living communally in the small village of Tarnac, France. They were arrested in November of 2008 after supposedly helping to disable over 160 trains on Frances railway system.

Designed to be printed off in booklet form only.

The Dumpster Diving Zine

"A zine guide to doing it, and doing it well."
A short introduction to dumpster diving for beginners.

Designed to be printed off in booklet form only.